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Transition to Fully Virtual Practice/Move Across the Country!


I have some REAL mega big news for y'all. By mid-November, I will be transitioning to a fully virtual practice. I've been intending to get out of the city for a long time, I knew I needed much more nature in my life. As it happened, I am not only leaving the city... but the province, as well!

My recent trip to BC was nothing short of entirely magnificent- the nature was incredibly stunning and unbelievably plentiful (I will soon post pictures so you know exactly what I mean!)- I was powerless against it! I just feel like I need to be immersed in that full-time; my soul is calling me there. I don't actually even know exactly where, I'm just gonna drive west and figure it out!!

To be perfectly honest, I might not last! I'm open to that possibility. I saw BC on her absolute best behaviour, so I'll have to go through a few tantrums before I know if I can survive. I don't know if I can handle the 8 months of cloud cover (I'm pretttty obsessed with sunshine), and I don't know if I can handle the relative lack of cultural diversity, but I'm going to try to find all the silver linings and all the culture I can; I HAVE to give it a shot so I know that I tried! I've invested in a really great rain jacket, at least ;)

I'm all full of mixed emotions. I'm so excited for this new chapter, and all the beauty and nature that will surround me, and yet rather devastated to leave my family, friends, and patients. I am hoping to maintain as many of the relationships that I have built here as I can, so I'd be absolutely honoured if you choose to continue care with me virtually. I also understand that some things need to be in-person, namely acupuncture!, and that some people just prefer in-person visits, so I can also support you with finding a new practitioner.

If you're hesitant about virtual, I'd just like to say that I had a patient blatantly tell me I was "in-person vibes", and then proceeded to do multiple virtual appointments with me and said it was just the same as being in-person. So maybe give it a try to be sure!

I want to emphasize how incredibly much each and every one of you means to me. This decision was not taken lightly. The seed was planted 5 years ago and it just started to sprout now because I was so resistant to leaving everyone! I am so grateful to be a part of your lives and your care and these 9 years have meant the absolute world to me. I enjoy my time with you so much, and I appreciate you giving me the chance to support your health and being so awesome that my commute home leaves me beaming.

In terms of supplements, please let me know ASAP what you'll need and how many, and I'll try my best to get that for you before I leave. After early November, for those who have not used the FullScript platform before, this system is how I can easily hook everyone up with their supplements. So please let me know (you can reply to this email) if you'd like to be signed up for that/and which supplements you'd like to be added- it's just a way for me to send you your exact prescriptions, and they are shipped right to your house!

My last day at the Toronto clinic is Oct. 27. My last day at the Uxbridge clinic is Nov. 9 (and 2-10pm on Mondays has been added until then). The hastiness of the leave is courtesy of the snow coating the Rockies combined with my fear of driving in extremely inclement weather on mountainsides :)

I hope to see you soon!!

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